Thursday, March 31, 2011

JD Curtis and the Klan

JD said "Heck, Klan members continue to run for office as Democrats, even to this day."  and gave a link to a man who had renounced the KKK decades ago.   
Well, because JD thinks old news is so exciting:   
Links between Arizona Republicans and the KKK

Oh, wait...   that was a few months ago...   I guess it's not such old news after all.

And let's not forget...
David Duke  
Texas Republican House Representative quotes KKK Grand Wizard 
Ku Klux Klan Joins Republican Party-aligned Institute on Religion and Democracy In Protesting Church Conference


Sunday, March 20, 2011


Talking with some Christian bloggers reminds me of this cartoon.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Hate comes to Orange County.

Muslims hold a fundraiser to raise money for the homeless and for women's shelters. Republicans show up to protest, chant "go back home!" and xenophobic slurs.  

If the Tea Party/Republican group had any legitimate reasons for protesting the fund-raiser, they certainly lost the high-ground a long time before they starting yelling "you rape your kids" at Muslim families. 

Someone on Reddit joked: "it's not that they hate muslims, they're just against helping the homeless and women."