Here's the 'Defunding Obamacare Toolkit' PDF made by the Tea Party. Includes sample tweets, letter templates, and possible responses to the question "What happens when you shut down the government and you are blamed for it?": Properties > Author: Shonda Werry. A former Republican Staffer and a Lobbyist. Definitely a Grassroots movement...
You are quoting opinion pieces as if they are fact. It is prejudicial to claim that budget negotiations are the same as debt limit negotiations; they are not. The Democrats went for years and years with no budget at all and just printed more money when they spent wildly. There is no purpose in having a debt limit when the Democrats will not respect it.
If fact it has been demonstrated amply in the past few years that Democrats have no respect whatsoever for their own laws. Obama has illegally delayed and waivered the AFA for his friends and allies. There is rampant corruption in most of the adminstration's bureau, from the DOJ to the IRS and BAFT and EPA and on and on, the Democrats are scofflaws.
You're going to need some evidence for these vague accusations.
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