Sunday, January 30, 2011

Fake Arizona Shooter Facebook pages

 A lot of people on both sides of politics have fallen for fake Facebook pages purporting to be Jared Lee Loughner's.   There are at least a dozen fake pages so let's look at some.

JD gave a link to this one.
Profile ID = 100001952074770

The major give-away that this is not the shooters Facebook page is that it was created after the shooting.
The second give-away is that the faker spelt the shooter's name the way that the press originally reported it before they corrected themselves.   The name is wrong.

I saw another fake that had the shooter worshipping "Sara Palin".  I have not seen a Loughner Facebook page that wasn't created after the shooting.   Another has his inspirations as:

Chairman Mao, Che Guevara, Noam Chomsky, Kenyan-born Barrack Hussein Obama (that's how it was listed on the site), Saul Alinsky (who?), Hugo Chavez and Joseph Stalin.

Which sounds like a right-wing's idea of who left-wingers admire.  The "Kenyan-born" part is a bit of a give-away.

People on the left fell for a fake voter registration that had the shooter as a Republican.

EDIT:  The Right is still posting fake Facebook pages but the one slightly-left site that linked to the fake voter reg only did so for about 40 minutes before issuing a correction.

Friday, January 28, 2011

JD Curtis asks what harm Beck has done.

Someone says to JD
"right-wing politicians (Angle, Palin, Bachmann, Perry) and media celebrities (Palin, Beck, Limbaugh) are much more willing than anyone on the left to dance perilously near to such suggestions, and then distance themselves when shit actually happens"
So JD asks
"What violence has any of them ever caused?"

Byron Williams who was on his way to kill a bunch of liberals at the progressive Tides foundation and the ACLU. He targetted the Tides Foundation because that was one of Glenn Beck's favorite targets. He said Glenn Beck "blew his mind".

That's one example, that GentleSkeptic already quoted.  Quick JD!  Chicken out and make up a reason to ban GentleSkeptic!  He's ruining your narrative!   Spin!  Spin! Spin!

See GentleSkeptic's list at JD's site here.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

JC dismisses evidence for the flimsily of reasons.

When given a list of right-wing violence, JC Curtis said:
1. Over half of the references that you dumped en masse up above don't mention the political leanings of the person(s) who committed the violent acts.
And then ignored the entire list.  He ignored the list before because the formatting of the list wasn't to his liking.  

JD has a short memory.

Since when is Nazism considered "right-wing"?
Asks JD Curtis 

- forgetting that last year he said that on the Night of Long Knives the Nazis killed off the left wing of Nazism.

- and ignoring every credible historian who includes ultranationalists as part of the far right.

Right Wing Violence

In this video, when Glenn Beck says you'll have to shoot them in the head, who is he talking about?  Liberals, of course!
Violent rhetoric comes overwhelmingly from the Right nowadays.   
Here's a great write-up of the current conservative political violence.

A lot of words have been written about Loughner, a man who planned and executed a shooting of a Democratic congresswoman.  He was obviously influenced by Right wing conspiracy theories (currency backed by gold and silver is one of Glenn Beck's themes) but it is really that simple.  A commenter on Metafilter made this interesting comment:

The thing is, it's awfully easy to explain this as a pure historical accident.

Loughner grew up in a place and time without much violent rhetoric on the left, and without much violent religious rhetoric. Angry, violent guys of his generation who were looking for an ideology had two big choices: the right-wing militia movement or one of the violent strains of anarchist anti-globalism. Guess which one of those is easier to find in Arizona?

It's easy to believe he could have latched onto another movement in a different place or time: revolutionary socialism if he'd grown up in the US during the 60s or 70s, the IRA if he'd grown up in Belfast, radical Islam if he'd grown up in Yemen, the ELF if he'd been in a hippie town in Oregon, whatever. The fact that he picked the biggest violent movement around and it happened to be right-wing says less about the psychology of right-wing politics and more about the role of familiarity and convenience in guiding our political identities.

It's more than just the Tea Party waving guns and smashing Democratic party windows.  Here's some examples of recent right-wing violence

Richard Poplawski, loser who lived with his mom, killed three cops he thought were Obama people trying to take his guns away. He was stockpiling a mini arsenel of guns and machine guns.,2933,512560,00.html

Jim David Adkisson, right-wing loser who wrote his "I hate liberals" letter and massacred a bunch of liberals at a Unitarian church. He was found with a bunch of right-wing idiot books from Micheal Savage and Bill O'Reilly.  He said he “wanted to kill…every Democrat in the Senate & House, the 100 people in Bernard Goldberg's book,”

James Von Brunn, white supremecist who believed Obama was created by jews and shot up a Holocaust museum and killed a black employee.

Scott Roeder, the latest anti-abortion extremist murdered Dr George Tiller.

Byron Williams, another right-wing loser was on his way to kill a bunch of liberals at the progressive Tides foundation and the ACLU. He targetted the Tides Foundation because that was one of Glenn Beck's favorite targets. He said Glenn "blew his mind" by supporting all his wacko conspiracy theories.

Keith Luke, white supremecist who killed two minorities and raped and attempted to kill a third. His targets were minorities and jews. As a white supremecist he believed liberal jews are trying to exterminate the white race.

And that's just recently.   If I went back further I could write a list of women's health clinic bombings, anthrax letters to Democrats, even Timothy McVeigh was a registered Republican.

There is also a great deal of right wing violence that you won't hear about.  Most often the right-wing target people who are easily marginalised and denied protection of the law.
Every time you read about some racist assault or harassment, every time you read about a queer-bashing or a burned synagogue or a protest at the home of an employee of a family-planning clinic: that is right-wing violence. The media only calls it such when somebody dies because acknowledging that right-wing violence is an every day, all the time thing would disrupt the conservative media's "both sides are equally bad" narrative.

Right-wing blow-hard JD Curtis spewed out this while this post was in draft.  He missed the point that many people have been making that currently the violence is coming overwhelmingly from the Right.  He's trying to deflect criticism with a cry of "decades ago there were violent from the Left!".
Have you ever noticed that JD will compare any philosophy from the Left and call it "the Left" but only ever chooses "conservative" from the Right.   So it's anarchy vs JD's malleable definition of conservative.  JD has also redefined the right-left spectrum so right-wing philosophies he doesn't like are no longer right-wing.  The Nazis and the Fascists for example.  I don't know whether he is dishonest or merely brainwashed.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Spotlight on a blog and blogger.

I've decided to blog about another blogger...  until I get bored which will probably be real quick.


He's a certain establishment stooge on blogger.  A right-wing authoritarian blow-hard.  A self-important hypocrite who spews dishonest rhetoric like broken septic tank.  I guess that could describe a lot of people but I'm talking about JD Curtis and his blog Trees for Lunch.

JD wants to live in a world where the Left-wing is always wrong and the Right-wing is always right.  Since no-one is always right or always wrong, he uses dishonest sources or just plain hypocrisy.  

He often uses Conservapedia as a source, a group so incredibly biased that they literally are rewriting the Bible to remove its "liberal elements".  Yes.  Really.

JD is seems to hate freedom...  oh he says he's for more freedom but it's clear he means freedom for him and people just like him.  As soon as it's about someone else,like say, homosexuals or Muslims, then JD goes into authoritarian crack-down mode.  He the kind of guy who spews bigoted ideas and threatens lawsuits on anyone who dares call him out on his bigotry...  as I've seen.

He accuses the Left of using the word "fascism" to shut down communication then he goes and labels things he doesn't like as fascism.

JD is fond of censorship, just as long as he's doing the censoring.  But he can't censor anyone here; I've read the blogger terms of use.  I bet he loves that I'm going to do a few posts on him.